Voter Privacy in the Digital Age
Appendix (Charts and Graphs)
The following two charts show state-by-state voter registration data gathering and dissemination practices. This data was gathered in 2002 and reflects registration forms, statutes, and administrative practices at that time.
In the time since this data was gathered, Congress enacted the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which includes provisions that require the gathering of additional voter data. It is likely that many state forms have been altered since 2002. These charts provide a valuable benchmark for understanding voter data gathering and dissemination practices in the pre-HAVA period.
The first chart, “State Voter Registration Forms, 2002”, shows what specific fields of data are gathered by each state on its voter registration form. The second chart, “State Practices for Voter Registration Data, 2002”, provides state-by-state details about practices ranging from the use of voter data for jury pools, record suppression, prices for voter lists, permitted secondary uses, and penalties for misuse.
Charts Referenced in the Study
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This page was first published on June
9, 2004 |
Last updated on
January 23, 2012
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