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California Online Voter Guide

June 2006 Primary Election

13th Edition

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About the Propositions

California's June ballot includes two statewide propositions, also called ballot measures: Proposition 81 is a public library bond act placed on the ballot by the legislature, and Proposition 82 is a public preschool funding initiative. Propositions are assigned numbers by the Secretary of State, and all require a simple majority to pass.

California Online Voter Guide

Click on the links below for more information on each proposition, including the official summary, campaign contact information and links to campaign Web sites, a list of who signed the arguments for and against each measure, and links to recommended resources such as campaign finance reports and other nonpartisan voter education materials.



This page was first published on April 26, 2006 | Last updated on April 26, 2006
Copyright California Voter Foundation, All Rights Reserved.