Voter hotlines, online reporting of election problems
November 01, 2004
Hi Folks:
There are several phone and online resources available for the public to use to get assistance on Election Day, report problems and voting experiences, and track reports of problems submitted by voters from around the nation. Below is a rundown of the services available.
California Secretary of State: 800-345-VOTE
The California Secretary of State's office will staff its toll-free number with 50 workers on Election Day.
Election Protection Coalition: 866-OUR-VOTE
Voters with questions or problems can call this toll-free number to get assistance provided by trained attorneys and technologists. This nationwide effort is sponsored by 60 organizations. More information is online at
CVF's Directory of County Election Offices:
CVF's web site includes a county-by-county directory that features the location, phone number and web site address for California's 58 county election offices. Many counties' web sites offer a polling place lookup feature.
California Voter Foundation feedback form,
If you're a California voter and would like to share your voting day experience, we want to hear from you! Please use our online feedback form to let us know about your voting experience.
U.S. voters can report voting experiences and problems using an online web form. This site is sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility and the Verified Voting Foundation.
This hotline, sponsored by Common Cause, NBC and a number of other groups allows voters to record their voting experiences through a toll-free number. The number also features an automated poll locator. The recorded voter statements taken from the hotline will be used during NBC's election news coverage.
This phone number is sponsored by the Alameda Newspaper Group and is available for use by any California voter who wants to report their voting experiences to this media outlet. Information gathered through this number will be used in the news organization's election coverage.
The public can view summaries of reports filed across the country regarding voting problems ranging from equipment, language, disability access and registration problems. Visit the "research/maps" section to drill down into reports filed in specific states and counties. Data appearing in these reports comes from phone calls to the Election Protection Coalition hotline, 1-866-OUR-VOTE. This site is sponsored by the Verified Voting Foundation.
Voters can report problems using an online web form, and the public can view summaries of problems that have been reported. Votewatch, together with Common Cause has recruited 4,000 volunteers to monitor polling places and report on their experiences.
The Election Protection site features summaries of problems being reported to its hotline.
-- Kim Alexander, California Voter Foundation
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This page was first published on September 28,
2004 |
Last updated on
January 27, 2006
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