This page includes links to other helpful California election resources on the Internet. You will find links for candidate and ballot measure pages inside those sections of this guide. You can also check CVF's "bulletin board" style Campaign Links Bulletin Board, where many local campaigns have entered their links and contact information. Visit CVF's Links page for a complete listing of other links resources available from the California Voter Foundation.
The California Homepage - The state's official homepage links you to state agencies and elected officials, and provides a wealth of information about California's government, culture and history.
California Secretary of State - The 1998 Primary Election Voter Guide features the certified list of candidates and official state ballot, the late contribution report, and live election night returns. Also available is an explanation of the new open primary system, political party statements and historical election data.
California State Assembly - The Assembly's official web site includes homepages for members, information on committees, caucuses and hearings, a "how to find your district" section, the legislative calendar and information about current legislation.
California State Senate - At the Senate's web site you will find links to Senators' homepages, ballot measure information from the Senate Office of Research, a searchable archive of current and prior session legislation and tips on how to participate in the lawmaking process.
Capitol Alert - Legitech's Capitol Alert is a great resource for political commentary and in-depth information on California politics and election issues, but be forewarned - you must be a subscriber in order to view most of the site's content.
County Election Offices - This compilation from the Secretary of State provides contact information for each of California's 58 county election offices.
The Democracy Network - California - Democracy Net takes an innovative approach to providing election information, allowing statewide candidates to upload their positions on a variety of issues directly into Democracy Net's database.
League of Women Voters of California - The League offers visitors a series of voting questions and answers, as well as criteria for evaluating ballot propositions and a helpful explanation of the initiative process, available in both English and Spanish. In addition, many local League organizations in California are providing the Smart Voter guide, offering information on local races and issues.
Los Angeles Times - The LA Times 98 election site features special coverage of the race for governor, including an issues section and a video and audio archive of the May 14th gubernatorial forum sponsored by the Times. Other helpful features include an in-depth explanation of the new open primary system and its effect on California politics and elections, and audio "yes-no" ballot measure arguments.
The Orange County Register - News articles, an archive of election coverage, and candidate statements are just a few of the things Orange County voters will find at the Register's web site. The candidate-provided priorities and personal histories are particularly informative, as is the collection of election-related polls.
PoliticalAccess.com - This site caters to California's press and political consultants, and includes a huge collection of links to news organizations, political and election sites, and state and federal government homepages.
Project Vote Smart - The Vote Smart Web is your non-partisan resource for voting records, performance evaluations, campaign finance data and issue positions for state and federal elected officials. The site also features a district finder service that allows you to look up legislative and congressional districts by typing in your zip code.
Rock the Vote - Rock the Vote continues its work to educate young people about politics and voting, and its web site is a good place to go for basic election information and instructions on how to register to vote.
Rough and Tumble - Jack Kavanaugh's political report is a "must read" for those looking for an insider's view of Capitol politics and the latest election news from around the state. The site includes an extensive collection of election-related articles, a file for each of the gubernatorial candidates, and links to a wide variety of news organizations.
The Sacramento Bee - The Bee's Campaign 98 web site offers political news and commentary, campaign ads and analyses, election-related polling information, a campaign forum, and a listing of statewide and local candidates.
The San Diego Union Tribune - Look to this election guide for information on federal, state and county races, including school board and judicial candidates in the San Diego area. Coverage includes an extensive collection of news articles, profiles and candidate contact information.
Email us at info@calvoter.org if you'd like to suggest an election-related link to be added to this site, or enter your link on our Campaign Links Bulletin Board.
this page first published May 5, 1998
last updated May 26, 1998
to the '98 Primary Online Voter Guide homepage
The California Online Voter Guide
is a project of the
Voter Foundation
© Copyright 1994-98.
All rights reserved.