Ballot Measures
Bonds: Prop 204, Prop 205, and Prop 206
Tort Reform: Prop 207, Prop 211 and Prop 213
Campaign Finance: Prop 208 and Prop 212
Affirmative Action: Prop 209
Minimum Wage: Prop 210
HMO Regulation: Prop 214 and Prop 216
Medical Marijuana: Prop 215
Tax the Rich: Prop 217
Local Taxes: Prop 218Congressional Races
Congressional Districts 1-10
Congressional Districts 11-20
Congressional Districts 21-30
Congressional Districts 31-40
Congressional Districts 41-52Senate Races
Assembly RacesAssembly Districts 1-10
Assembly Districts 11-20
Assembly Districts 21-30
Assembly Districts 31-40
Assembly Districts 41-50
Assembly Districts 51-60
Assembly Districts 61-70
Assembly Districts 71-80
Ballot Measures
Proposition 192: Seismic Retrofit Bond Act of 1996. Legislative Constitutional Amendment
Proposition 193: Property Appraisal. Exception. Grandparent-Grandchild Transfer. Legislative Initiative Amendmen
Proposition 194: Prisoners. Joint Venture Program. Unemployment Benefits. Parole.
Proposition 195: Punishment. Special Circumstances. Carjacking. Murder of Juror.
Proposition 196: Punishment for Murder. Special Circumstances. Drive-By Shootings.
Proposition 197: Amendment of the California Wildlife Protection Act of 1990 (Proposition 117). Mountain Lions. Initiative Statutes.
Proposition 198: Elections. Open Primary.
Proposition 199: Limits on Mobilehome Rent Control. Low-Income Rental Assistance.
Proposition 200: No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance.
Proposition 201: Attorneys' Fees. Shareholder Actions. Class Actions.
Proposition 202: Attorneys' Contingent Fees. Limits. Bond Act
Proposition 203: Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1996
Ballot Measures
Proposition 181: Passenger Rail And Clean Air Bond Act of 1994.
Proposition 183: Recall Election -- State Officers.
Proposition 184: Sentence Enhancement. Repeat Offenders.
Proposition 185: Public Transportation Trust Funds. Gasoline Sales Tax.
Proposition 186: Health Services. Taxes.
Proposition 187: Illegal Aliens. Ineligibility for public services.
Proposition 188: Smoking and Tobacco Products. Local Preemption. Statewide Regulation.Statewide Races
U.S. Senator -- Feinstein vs. Huffington: Wealth battles wealth in the race for U.S. Senate
Governor -- Can Pete Wilson be California's "Comeback Kid"?
Lieutenant Governor -- Democrat Gray Davis and Republican Cathie Wright vie to serve a heartbeat
Attorney General -- Two distinctly different attorneys see themselves as "top cop"
Secretary of State -- Veteran lawmaker, acting secretary vie to replace March Fong Eu
Controller -- Republican veteran Tom McClintock takes on Democratic newcomer Kathleen Connell
Treasurer -- Two political up and comers vie to become the state's banker
Superintendant of Public Instruction -- DiMarco, Eastin tangle for the job of schools' chief
Insurance Commissioner -- Quackenbush and Torres have differing views of a job designed to ride hard on a large but arcane industry
This page first published May 27, 1998
Last updated May 27, 1998
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