Official Title: State and County Early Childhood Development Programs. Additional Tobacco Surtax.

Official election results are available from the Secretary of State


50.6 %


49.4 %



The way it is now:
There is a 37-cent state tax on each pack of cigarettes. The tax money is used mostly for health programs and a state campaign to discourage people from smoking. There is also a federal tax of 24 cents per pack.

What Prop. 10 would do: Increase the state tax on each pack of cigarettes by 50 cents for a total of 87 cents per pack. Taxes would also increase on other tobacco products, such as cigars and chewing tobacco. The new money would be used to create new state and local commissions for early childhood development programs, such as parent education and family support services including health and child care.

A state commission would be created and county commissions would be created if counties chose to receive funding. They would provide information and form guidelines for improving early childhood development, including ways to discourage pregnant women from smoking.

What it would cost: About $750 million per year in tobacco taxes would be raised for the new early childhood development programs.





Prop 10 would give our youngest children more help when it does the most good.

The new tax money could pay for ways to help more people stop smoking, especially pregnant women.
Prop 10 creates up to 59 new government agencies that would have no oversight.

This would reduce the special tax money for certain health and resources programs.


California Children and Families Initiative, a Project of Forum for Early Childhood Development
Committee ID# 971785
510 West Sixth Street #1002, Los Angeles, CA 90014
phone: (800) 847-4743

Californians for Tobacco Free Kids and for Prop 10
Committee ID# 981875
10 East Tregallas Rd
Antioch, CA 94509
phone: (925) 757-4271

Committee Against Unfair Taxes
Committee ID# 971981
555 Capitol Mall, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95814
phone: (916) 446-6667

WHO SIGNED THE OFFICIAL BALLOT PAMPHLET ARGUMENTS Rob Reiner, Chairman, I Am Your Child Campaign; Alan Henderson, Dr. PH, President, American Cancer Society, California Division; John D'Amelio, President, California School Boards Association. Jane Armstrong, State Chairman, Alliance of California Taxpayers & Involved Voters; Helena Rutkowski, Member, Westminster School Board; Dr. Ken Williams, Family Physician.


Follow the money - CVF has compiled summary campaign finance information and a list of top ten contributors for each ballot measure committee that has filed a report with the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State's Voter Information Guide - features the Attorney General's summary, official pro/con arguments, the Legislative Analyst's analysis (including background information, details of the proposal, and the fiscal effect of the measure) and the full text of this measure.

The California Journal - provides independent, in-depth analysis, including background on the issue and arguments for and against the measure.

The California Budget Project - presents a comprehensive analysis, with a focus on budgetary issues and the fiscal impact of the measure.

The League of Women Voters' Pro/Con Analysis - provides an excellent, nonpartisan review of this measure.

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This page first published October 1, 1998

Final update December 12, 1998

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