Proposition 214
Health Care. Consumer Protection.
Initiative Statute. Summary: Prohibits health care businesses from: discouraging health care professionals from informing patients or advocating for treatment; offering incentives for withholding care; refusing services recommended by physician or nurse without examination by business' own professional. Requires health care businesses to: make tax returns and other financial information public; disclose certain financial information to consumers including administrative costs; establish criteria for authorizing or denying payments; provide for minimum safe and adequate staffing of health care facilities. Authorizes public and private enforcement actions. Provides penalties for repeated violations. Defines "health insurer."
Fiscal Impact: Increased state and local government costs for existing health programs and benefits, probably in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
A YES vote on this measure means: Physical examinations would be required before health plans or insurers could deny recommended care. State staffing standards would be expanded to more types of health facilities, taking the needs of individual patients into account. Health care businesses could not offer financial incentives to doctors and others to reduce health care. Certain health care employees and contractors would have additional protections.
A NO vote on this measure means: There would be no requirements regarding physical examinations prior to denial of recommended care. There would not be any change to current state and federal laws regarding health facility staffing, health care employee and contractor protections, and restrictions on financial incentives to reduce care.
The State Ballot Pamphlet, published by the Secretary of State, features the text, fiscal analysis, and pro/con arguments.
Official Contact Information
Proponents: Glen Schneider
Connie Jacowitz
(510) 644-1776Contact in Support: Californians for Patient Rights
560 Twentieth Street
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 433-9360
Contact in Opposition: Taxpayers Against Higher Health Costs
Stop the Hidden Health Care Tax
915 L Street, Suite C240
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 552-7526
(800) 996-6287
Fax: (916) 552-7523
Web Sites
Support: Californians for Patient Rights
Opposition: Taxpayers Against Higher Health Costs Neutral: None available to date.
This initiative was placed on the ballot through petition of the voters.
Source information for this material is available.
Web site additions and corrections can be made by email.
The California Online Voter Guide is
a project of the California Voter Foundation.