Proposition 210
Minimum Wage Increase.
Initiative Statute.
Summary: Increases the current state minimum wage of $4.25 per hour to $5.0 0 per hour on March 1, 1997, and then to $5.75 per hour on March 1, 1998 for all industries. Requires the California Industrial Welfare Commission to adopt minimum wage orders consistent with this section, which are to be final and conclusive for all purposes.
Fiscal Impact: Unknown impact on state and local government revenue. Annual wage-related costs to state and local governments of up to $300 million, partly offset by net savings, potentially in the low tens of millions, in health and welfare programs.
A YES vote on this measure means: California's minimum wage will increase to $5.00 per hour beginning March 1, 1997, and to $5.75 per hour beginning March 1, 1998.
A NO vote on this measure means: California's minimum wage will not be raised beyond the level required by current law.
The State Ballot Pamphlet, published by the Secretary of State, features the text, fiscal analysis, and pro/con arguments.
Official Contact Information
Proponents: John F. Henning
Livable Wage Coalition
c/o California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
415/ 986-3585Contact in Support: Liveable Wage Coalition
660 Sacramento Street, Suite 202
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 616-5150
Contact in Opposition: Alliance to Protect Small Businesses & Jobs
268 Bush Street, #3431
San Francisco, CA 94104
Related Web Sites
Support: Livable Wage Coalition The California Minimum Wage Initiative
Opposition: Alliance to Protect Small Businesses & Jobs Neutral: Capitol Focus: "At Issue"
This initiative was placed on the ballot through petition of the voters.
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The California Online Voter Guide is
a project of the California Voter Foundation.