Proposition 205
Youthful and Adult Offender Local Facilities Bond Act of 1996
Bond Act
Summary: This act provides for a bond issue of seven hundred million dollars ($700,000,000) to provide funds for the construction, renovation, remodeling, and replacement of local juvenile and adult correctional facilities.Fiscal Impact: General Fund costs of $1.25 billion to repay principal and interest, with annual payments averaging $50 million for 25 years. Unknown costs, potentially millions of dollars annually, to counties to operate new facilities.
A YES vote on this measure means: The state would be able to issue $700 million in general obligation bonds to finance local facilities for juvenile and adult offenders.
A NO vote on this measure means: The state would not be able to issue bonds for that purpose.
The State Ballot Pamphlet, published by the Secretary of State, features the text, fiscal analysis, and pro/con arguments.
Official Contact Information
Contact in Support: Assembly Member Jim Brulte
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-8490
(310) 441-9380
Contact in Opposition: Libertarian Party of California
1800 Market Street, Suite 16
San Francisco, CA 94102
(800) 637-1776
Related Web Sites
Support: None available to date. Opposition: None available to date. Neutral: None available to date.
This initiative was placed on the ballot through petition of the voters.
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The California Online Voter Guide is
a project of the California Voter Foundation.