Brad Sherman on the Environment
- Brad Sherman will fight Republican efforts to eliminate environmental protections.
Brad Sherman will fight to maintain our current Clean Air and Clean Water standards.
- Brad Sherman will fight for our National Park system and will fight for the Santa
Monica Mountain National Recreation Area and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.
- Brad is endorsed by the California League of Conservation Voters. Brad was endorsed
in all prior campaigns by the CLCV and all other environmental groups which chose
to endorse in Board of Equalization races.
- Brad Sherman strongly supports Congressman Waxman's efforts to increase the protection
of non-smokers.
- Brad Sherman will vigoriously work to limit urban runoff and discharge into the
Santa Monica Bay.
- Brad Sherman opposes the proposal to develop Ahmanson Ranch.
- Brad Sherman has been a leading advocate to end tax breaks for off-shore drilling.
- Brad Sherman has been a leader in the fight for sufficient State and Local revenues
-- revenues needed to fund environmental programs.
Brad Sherman on Jobs & the Economy
- Brad Sherman has been a leader in the effort to bring manufacturing facilities,
studios, and research centers to California. These businesses provide goods and services
to customers around the world, while bringing dollars and jobs into the California
- Brad Sherman has led the battle to change the way we finance California's municipalities,
so as to reward cities which accommodate manufacturing facilities, studios, and research
- Brad Sherman's editorial in the Los Angeles Times urged an understanding of the
importance of businesses, and of the Fox Studio expansion.
- Brad Sherman wrote the law that reduces California taxes on California-based
manufacturers; it increases taxes on out-of-state firms which exploit the California
market, without hiring Californians. Virtually every major California-based manufacturer
and studio supported Brad's successful effort.
- Brad Sherman played a key role in reforming California's world-wide unitary tax
system, and eliminated the threat of British retaliation against California-based
businesses. Even Governor Wilson admitted that the efforts of Brad and others working
for unitary tax reform brought major investment to California. More information about
his role in the Barclays case, which saved California over two billion dollars, is
available upon request.
- Brad Sherman led the fight against Pete Wilson's ridiculous "snack tax"
which had required grocers to differentiate between a cup cake and a muffin.
- Brad Sherman will fight in Washington to reign-in the Newt Gingrich revolution,
and to reign-in Federal spending. Brad believes that the lower interest rates we
can achieve from balancing the Federal Budget will do more for economic growth than
any Republican proposal, and more for the low income working families than any Democratic