California Online Voter Guide 2000 - A Project of the California Voter Foundation
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Archive of Campaign Promises

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Rico Oller (R)

California State Senate, District 1

These statements are shown exactly as they appeared at in November 2000

Rico Oller on Education

"I want you to think for a moment how much big government has messed up education. It is important to everyone - parents and their children; teachers and their students; you and all of society. However, government has responded time and again by throwing money at failed programs, which become even more disastrous. Then when the programs don't work, the children are promoted the next grade without having mastered their present grade.

But proper education means more than newer schools and computers. Failed programs like bilingual education must be washed clean from our school policies. Our students should be required to pass yearly-standardized tests and students in the primary grades need to learn to read through phonics instruction. One of the problems facing today's schoolhouse is that in many areas a once vibrant learning center is now an environment shackled by bureaucracy and top-heavy administrative costs. A more even balance must be struck and creative ways need to be developed to involve teachers and parents in the process of returning California schools to their premier status.

One reform that has been suggested is the concept of charter schools. Charter schools are public schools that remain directly accountable to parents and teachers and not to a bureaucracy that can soak up funds that should be going to the classroom. Currently, there is a 100-school cap on charter schools. This cap needs to be eliminated. If we fail in our effort to raise an educated populace, society as a whole and individuals themselves will fail to move forward and more people will turn to welfare and the government for answers to problems that government created in the first place."

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star image This page first published April 6, 2001 -- last updated April 6, 2001 star image