Carol Liu on Education
"I plan to spend the next six years fighting for:
- More funding for our public schools
- Smaller class sizes in grades K - 12
- High teaching standards and accountability
- Increased pay for teachers
- Incentives for entering the teaching profession such as tuition forgiveness
and low-cost housing
- Teacher mentoring and access to continuous education
- Incentives and training to become a school principal.
Our schools must be safe places for teachers to teach and for students to learn.
Our education programs should include access to technology, fine arts, and vocational
training so all students can reach their highest potential.
State and community colleges must be adequately funded to assure access to higher
education and continuous learning for all Californians."
Carol Liu on the Environment
"I plan to continue my public record of environmental protection. I support
programs to:
- Protect our water supplies from pollution
- Preserve open space
- Promote alternative transportation and alternative fuels to help
clean our air.
I support the low-build alternative to the 710 Freeway.
I oppose the proposed Oakmont V development."
Carol Liu on Jobs and the Economy
"I support:
- Livable wages
- The right to collective bargaining for workers
- The right to binding arbitration for public employees.
I oppose privatization of public services."