FROM: Kim Alexander
DATE: November 3, 1998
RE: Election results online; election night interviews

Hi Folks:

You can find election results on the Internet through CVF’s web site!

We have published a new page that links to returns from the Secretary of State (including California propositions, and statewide, legislative and congressional races, plus Supreme Court and Court of Appeals results). In addition, we’re offering links to the 27 of California’s 58 counties that are posting local returns on the Net. You’ll also find a link to the Web, White and Blue returns site, which features returns from across the country.

All these links can be found at

The direct address to our Election Results page is:

I’ll be in my office this evening, and am scheduled for a live chat on the SF Gate site ( between 7 - 8 p.m. I’ll also be participating in the California Report’s (produced by KQED FM) post-election analysis, and will be on public radio stations from 8 - 9 p.m.

CVF staff, volunteers, interns and friends will be hanging out tonight in our office, and I will be available to reporters for interviews until 11:30 p.m. this evening.

Happy election day!

-- Kim Alexander, President
California Voter Foundation