FROM:   Saskia Mills, Managing Director
DATE:   February 21, 2001
RE:   Calif. voting systems info online

Hi Folks,

CVF added two new pages to our web site at today, both featuring information about voting systems and voting technology in California. The web pages are adaptations of charts provided by the Assembly Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee, which included the data in packets distributed at its January 2001 hearings on voting technology.

The first page ( lists the various types of voting machines used in the state, followed by the names of counties using those machines. The chart also shows the number of registered voters in each county, along with the total number of registered voters in California using each type of voting machine.

The second page ( shows the percentage of undervotes and overvotes in California's November 2000 election, which ranges from .4 percent in Marin County to 3.2 percent in Colusa County. Statewide, an average of 1.6 percent of ballots did not register a valid vote for president.

Both of these voting systems charts, as well as additional voting technology material, can be accessed through CVF's Voting Technology Resources page, at

Thanks again to the Assembly Committee on Elections and the Secretary of State for compiling this valuable data -- we're glad to feature it on the CVF web site.

-- Saskia Mills, Managing Director
California Voter Foundation, (916) 325-2120

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This page was first published on February 21, 2001 | Last updated on February 21, 2001
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