September 10, 1997
Why Kim Alexander is Beaming -- Because three years of hard
work looks like it’s finally going to pay off. Kim has been the force behind the
legislation to require the electronic filing of campaign contributions. Those reports
are compiled on computer anyway, so why not submit them on computer disk. That way
they can be easily stored and copied and more important --made available on the internet.
Currently they are kept on file in the Secretary of State’s office -- on paper. Making
sense of the paper based reports requires a trip to Sacramento and the patience to
plow through a wall of documents.
Secretary of State Bill Jones backs the idea, he was seen lobbying the legislation
on the Assembly floor yesterday. That didn’t hurt. The measure by Democratic Senator
Betty Karnette and Republican Assemblyman Jim Cunneen vaulted off the Assembly floor
on a 71-3 vote.
The City of San Francisco has already done this. Campaign contribution reports on
the internet were pioneered by Kim and the California Voter Foundation she heads
in the last election for Mayor in The City. It’s still there. Take a Look. And
while you're at it, take a serious look at one of the most extensive political information
sites in the country. Someday all election information will look like this.
Kim Alexander and the California Voter Foundation are making it happen now.
There is "sunshine" in that logo for a reason.
The legislation now heads back to the Senate for concurrence. There’s no opposition
in sight. Kudos Kim!