California Journal's Analysis of the
1994 General Election Propositions


About ballot proposition numbering

In 1983 the Legislature passed a law requiring that ballot measures be numbered consecutively from election to election, starting with November 1982. Previously, each election received its own set of proposition numbers, starting with 1. But the system proved confusing. If you say "Proposition 13," do you mean the tax cutting proposal of 1978 or the water conservation proposal of 1982? Since 1982, 180 propositions have appeared on various ballots, thus the current crop begins with number 181. It will continue this way for 20 years, so the next Proposition 1 will appear in 2002.

Proposition 181: Passenger Rail And Clean Air Bond Act of 1994.

by Mary Beth Barber
Copyright 1994, California Journal


Proposition 183: Recall Election -- State Officers.

by Nancy H. Martis
Copyright 1994, California Journal


Proposition 184: Sentence Enhancement. Repeat Offenders.

by John Borland
Copyright 1994, California Journal


Proposition 185: Public Transportation Trust Funds. Gasoline Sales Tax.

by Mary Beth Barber
Copyright 1994, California Journal


Proposition 186: Health Services. Taxes.

by Carol Brydolf
Copyright 1994, California Journal


Proposition 187: Illegal Aliens. Ineligibility for public services.
Verification and Reporting.

by Nancy H. Martis
Copyright 1994, California Journal


Proposition 188: Smoking and Tobacco Products. Local
Preemption. Statewide Regulation.

by Steve Scott
Copyright 1994, California Journal



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Call, mail or FAX a check or MasterCard or Visa number to: California Journal, 2101 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816. Phone: (916) 444 2840; Fax: (916) 444 2339. COPYRIGHT 1994 BY INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS, INC.


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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998