Prop 189: Denial of Bail; Felony Sexual Assault

The way it is now:

Most people accused of crimes can put up bail money so they will be
released to wait for their trial. They lose this bail money if they do
not show up for the trial. A court can deny bail if a person is accused
of a violent crime and it is likely that the person's release would
result in serious harm to others.

What Prop 189 would do:

Allow courts to deny bail for any "sexual assault" felony.

What it will cost:

It could increase the number of people held in jail while they wait for
trial. For those who are convicted, this time served could reduce their
sentence. Both the cost and savings are unknown.


"People convicted of sexual offenses are more likely than other types of
criminals to commit another crime after their release from prison."

"Prop 189 lets judges protect our children from this type of criminal."


"We are all innocent until proven guilty. With Prop 189, someone accused
of a first-time non-violent crime could be denied bail."

"The law already lets courts deny bail to violent felons, including many
sexual offenders."

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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998