Prop 181: Passenger Rail and Clean Air Bond Act of 1994

What Prop 181 would do:

Allow the state to sell $1 billion in bonds for commuter rail systems and
railroads between cities. This is the 3rd of three $1 billion rail
measures (One passed in 1990; the 2nd was rejected in 1992).

What it will cost:

Bonds are a way that the state raises money to pay for big projects. It
has to pay interest on bonds. It will take about $1.6 billion to pay off
this bond over 20 years.


"Prop 181 is part of a long range transportation plan that will reduce
traffic and keep our air cleaner. This is also a good investment for
California's economy."


"We don't have many riders using our current rail system. Why spend
money we don't have to add more? California's debt has gotten a lot
worse since this plan was started 5 years ago."

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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998