State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Job Description

* Term of Office: 4 years
* As chief spokesperson for public schools, provides education
policy and direction to local school districts.
* Directs the Department of Education, executing the policies set
by the State Board of Education.
* Serves as an ex-officio member of the governing boards of the
state's higher education system.
* Works with the educational community to improve academic
* SALARY - $102,000

1994 Candidates

Delaine Eastin
Maureen DiMarco

Review/Analysis by the California Journal

The Race for Superintendent of Public Instruction: "DiMarco, Eastin
tangle for the job of schools' chief"

Past and present officeholders

Office Holder Years in Office
William Dawson (Acting) 1992 - Present
Bill Honig 1983 - 1992
Wilson Riles 1971 - 1982
Max Rafferty 1963 - 1970
Roy Simpson 1951 - 1962


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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998