(exerpts from speech delivered at UCLA, April 24, 1994)

We also need better means of evaluating teachers. The
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has made
significant progress in developing new standards by which to
judge teachers. These tests, which are voluntary, will be avail
able this year throughout the nation.

We have just now begun to work with the National Board to
explore how the national framework will fit with California law.
I will make these new teaching standards a priority.

In addition to new standards, we also need to recruit new
teachers to the profession -- particularly members of minority
groups. Although an increasing percentage of California students
are minorities, over 80 percent of new teachers coming into the
field are white. We need better outreach to identify college
students who may want to go into teaching, and we absolutely have
to raise the morale of the teaching profession.

I agree with Lee Iacocca. Iacocca said, "In a well-ordered
society, the best and brightest would all want to be teachers."

If we don't value teaching more highly as a society, we'll
never attract more and better young people into teaching.


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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998