Job Description

* Term of Office: 4 years
* As the state's chief elections officer, administers and
enforces elections laws and keeps records of all campaign and
lobbyist disclosure statements required under the Political
Reform Act.
* Files official documents relating to corporations, trademarks,
the Uniform Commercial Code, notaries public and limited
* Collects and preserves historically valuable papers and
artifacts in the California State Archives.
* Serves as an ex-officio member of the California State World
Trade Commission.
*SALARY - $90,000

1994 Candidates

Bill Jones - Republican
Tony Miller - Democrat
Dorothy Robbins- Independent
Peggy Christiansen - Libertarian

Review/Analysis by the California Journal

The Race for Secretary of State: Veteran lawmaker, acting secretary vie to replace March Fong Eu

Past and Present Officeholders

Past Officeholders Party Affiliation Years in Office
Tony Miller (Acting) Democrat Present
March Fong Eu Democrat 1975 - 1994
Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown Democrat 1971 - 1974
Pat Sullivan Republican 1970
Frank M. Jordan Republican 1951 - 1969


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The material included in this voter guide is archived and will not be updated. Please visit the California Voter Foundation's homepage for the most current information and resources.

California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998