Where I and the American Independent Party Stand on
the Issues as Outlined in our Platform
You may be interested in the platform of the party I represent, the
AMERICAN INDEPENDENT PARTY. The making of our platform began
twenty-seven years ago with this preamble:
The American Independent Party, gratefully acknowledging the Lord
God as creator and protector of the nation, hereby appeals to Him for
continuing guidance in its efforts to preserve this nation as a
government of the people, by the people, and for the people in this time
of peril.In order to preserve our liberties and our republic, we reaffirm the
principle of individual rights upon which the United States of America
was founded:
-that every man has, inherent in his being, an inalienable right to
his life, his liberty, and the pursuit of his own interests;
-that the right to own, use, exchange, control, and freely dispose
of property is a natural, necessary, and inseparable extension of these
-that the proper function of (civil) government is the safeguarding
of these rights through the preservation of domestic tranquility, the
provision of national defense, and the promotion of justice;
-that an examination of history reveals that governments generally
have failed in their obligations, becoming themselves the major violators
of individual rights;
-that, therefore, government's powers must be carefully divided and
-In consequence whereof, we call upon all men who value their
liberty to join us in pursuit of these political ideals.
(Underlining mine)One of the students in my America's Christian History of the
Constitution classes said, "Mrs.Robbins, your platform sounds like the writers
took your class!" However, one need not take my class to know that the
above is the kind of government that is best for all of us
because it is based on the original documents that spell out principles
upon which our form of government was founded and are available to
you as well as to me. If you will contact me, I will tell you where they
can be found so you can read them yourself.
You will notice that in the introductory paragraph of our preamble
that our government is described as a republic-of the people, by the
people, and for the people. The following article was written long before
I became acquainted with the A.I.P., so you can see why we see eye to eye.
America...a democracy? If so, what do we mean by democracy? The
word itself is a combination of two Greek words: "demos"--people; and
"chrateow"-to govern. A democracy, then, is a government for the people,
by the people. It is defined in Webster's 1828 Dictionary thus: "a form of
government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people
collectively, or in which people exercise the power of legislation. Such
was the government of Athens." No elected representatives chosen by the
people act for them. Rather, the people themselves enforce the laws. This is
government by the people, for the people. When was the last time you had a
hand in formulating any of the laws of our country? And can you remember
having come together in concert with others to try one who had broken one of
these laws? Do we not choose men to represent us in this process? Do we
not pride ourselves on having a representative form of government?
Someone may, then say, "But what we have is a democracy but not a
pure democracy." Is not that saying that we do not have a democracy but
something different? If it is not "pure," it must be different. Abraham
Lincoln spoke of our government as being, Of the people, by the
people and for the people,... When we speak of "of" the people, a new
element has been added. It is not merely "by and for" (as in a democracy)
but "of" or "from among." And so we speak of a representative form of
Having then, chosen a representative form of government we have
added two new dimensions to government for, having others represent us,
it follows, first, those men chosen by the people are acting only
under delegated authority...they are our servants (often referred to as
"civil servants") for delegated authority is always delegated down and is
never as extensive as that vested in those who delegated the authority. Our
representatives in congress, in our state assemblies, or in local
government do not exercise the authority of a father, corporation
president, chairman of the board of a private corporation, nor most of the
responsibilities over which we, the people, exercise responsibility. No,
their delegated authority is carefully defined and confined to specific
areas by those who delegate it. This, then,introduces the second dimension
of a government of the people, ie., the adoption of guidelines which our
delegated authorities must follow. These guidelines are referred to in
any organization, club, or group as, one, their "constitution" and, two,
their by-laws. Their constitution spells out the purpose for the group and the
kind of officers, their duties, and their limits. Their by-laws further
regulate the manner in which the group will carry on its activities. A
constitution!.....and by-laws!....just like the government of the United
States of America! A government of' (from among) the people. Delegates
elected from among US whose activities are regulated by the people
through a CONSTITUTION and a set of by-laws-the BILL OF RIGHTS. Does
this sound familiar?
This, then, our county's government, is a government OF THE PEOPLE,
BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE. A government in which chosen men acting under delegated authority, regulated by the law of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, represent those
by whom they are elected-represent US....you and me. Ours, therefore, is
that form of government which our forefathers created and is, in the words of one of them, Benjamin Franklin, "A Republic, if you can keep it."
by Dorothy Kreiss RobbinsOne of my favorite Founding Fathers is Samuel Adams who said, "He
therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of his country.., who so
far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen
into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man."
The above is my challenge to you in the up-coming election.
Having told you I write poetry, I thought you might like a sample of
it. This one is appropriate for our times.
Our ship of state was built by men
Who loved the Truth-God's Word.
They trimmed her sails to Truth's fair breeze;
Their captain was the Lord.
Will we who now are in command
Forget, neglect, sleep while she wrecks,
While amoral mice her depths invade
And desecrate her decks?
The hour is late, the mice are fat;
They've nibbled and gnawed and grown bold--
Sleep on , silly ship-mates, while they tear down her flag
And rip it to bits--fold by fold.
(written in 1962 by Dorothy Kreiss Robbins)
You have read my pledge to you. If you believe voting for me is
voting for someone who represents your ideals, I should be very thankful
for your vote. Thank you, Dorothy Kreiss Robbins.
DOROTHY KREISS ROBBIN A published author and teacher, Mrs. Robbins is an authority on the U.S. Constitution and Biblical law. She pledges
to run an efficient and economical Secretary of State's office in
conformity with constitutional principles.She Stands For These Sound Principles....
CONTROL OF CRIME - Stiff penalties for repeat criminal offenders,
and capital punishment where appropriate.
END CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT - Just say "NO" to special interests, and their tainted money.
AN IMPROVED ECONOMY - Encourage job producing businesses and end
shipping of American jobs to foreign countries.
TAX REDUCTION - Balance the budget without tax increases; encourage
job creation by reducing taxes.
SANCTITY OF LIFE - Enact laws to protect the sanctity of life,
including that of the unborn.
QUALITY EDUCATION - Improve academic standards; restore local
control; support private and home school alternatives.
CONTROL OF LEGISLATIVE PAY - Give the people the power to approve or disapprove pay increases for public officials.
NO SUBSIDIES TO ILLEGAL ALIENS - Enact Proposition 187 to halt tax funded benefits to illegals.
SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS - Put criminals behind bars and preserve the right of law abiding citizens to own firearms.
"Madam, you have a republic if you can keep it."
This quote is, as you no doubt know, Benjamin Franklin's. What did
he mean, "if you can keep it"? Having given us a republic, by the
Constitution, the preservation of the principles of that document is
imperative and its preservation depends on those who value the liberties
it guarantees. Let us remember Samuel Adams' advice to choose only those
who also value their liberty who know and understand the Constitution and
will honor these words of the Constitution itself: "The Senators and
Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State
Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United
States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to
support this Constitution."
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