Bill Jones for Secretary of State

The Honorable George Deukmejian
Honorary Campaign Chairman, Mike Reynolds
Author, "3 Strikes and You're Out" Initiative

State Legislators

Senator Ken Maddy
Senate Minority Leader
Senator Bill Leonard
Senate Republican Caucus Chairman
Senator Tom Campbell
Senator Cathie Wright
Senator Newt Russell
Senator David Kelley
Senator Don Rogers
Senator Phil Wyman
Senator Bob Beverly
Senator William Craven

Assemblymember Jim Brulte
Assembly Republican Leader
Assemblymember Curt Pringle
Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman
Assemblymember Ross Johnson
Former Assembly Republican Leader
Assemblymember Paul Woodruff
Former Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman
Assemblymember Bob Frazee
Former Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman
Assemblymember Gil Ferguson
Former Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman
Assemblymember Doris Allen
Assemblymember Dean Andal
Assemblymember Larry Bowler
Assemblymember Mickey Conroy
Assemblymember Dick Mountjoy
Assemblymember Andrea Seastrand
Assemblymember Bill Hoge
Assemblymember Paula Boland
Assemblymember Fred Aguiar
Assemblymember Jan Goldsmith
Assemblymember William "Pete" Knight
Assemblymember Bruce McPherson
Assemblymember Chuck Quackenbush
Assemblymember Richard Rainey
Assemblymember Bernie Richter
Assemblymember Stan Statham
Assemblymember Nao Takasugi
Assemblymember Ted Weggeland

Campaign Committee

Northern California

Dr. Gil Amelio, President and CEO, National SemiConducter
Mr. Ken Derr, Chairman Chevron Corp.
Mr. Tom Brown, Chairman of the Board, California Casualty Group
Mr. Howard Leach, President Leach Capitol Corporation
The Honorable John Doolittle, Congressman, Fourth Congressional District
The Honorable Becky Morgan, Former State Senator, President
Joint Venture Silicon Valley
Mr. Richard Douglas, President Sun Diamond Growers
Mr. Roy Brophy, Roy T. Brophy & Associates
Mr. Joe Russ, Ferndale, CA
The Honorable Glenn Craig, Sheriff, County of Sacramento
The Honorable Bob Naylor, Former Assembly Republican Leader
Former Chairman, CA Republican Party
Mr. John McGraw, President, McGraw Insurance
Mr. Stephen Bechtel, Bechtel Corporation
Mr. Bok Pon, Chairman, Republican Ethnic Caucus
Ms. Julie Gallaher, National Committeewoman, California Young Republicans

Central Valley

Mr. John Harris, President, Harris Farms & Harris Ranch
Mr. Richard Peters, Vice President, Sun Pacific, Inc.
Mr. Tom Merrill, President, Merrill Farms
Mr. Price Geffen, President, Price Geffen Associates
Mr. Jack Pandol Sr., Pandol Farms
Mr.Jack Pandol Jr., Pandol Farms
Mr. Keith Baxter, President, Coast Gas, Inc.
The Honorable Ed Hunt, District Attorney, County of Fresno
The Honorable Steve Margarian, Sheriff, County of Fresno

Southern California

Mr. Howard Marguleas, Sun World, Inc.
The Honorable Mike Antonovich, Los Angeles County Supervisor
Former Chairman, CA Republican Party
The Honorable Gadde Vasquez, Orange County Supervisor
The Honorable Mike Bradbury, Ventura County District Attorney
Mr. Russ Hanlin, President, Sunkist Growers
Mr. Russ Williams, President, Ag Producers
Mr. Gary Hunt, Executive Vice President, The Irvine Company
The Honorable Cois Byrd, Sheriff, Riverside County, Mr. Duane Roberts
Riverside Lincoln Club, Mr. Alan Royster, San Diego
The Honorable Jeff Marston, Former Assemblyman, San Diego, VP, The
Flannery Group
The Honorable Tricia Hunter, Former Assemblywoman, San Diego
President, CA Republican League
Mr. Buck Johns, Orange County Lincoln Club
Mr. Doy Henley, Orange County Lincoln Club

Statewide Organizations

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Crime Victims United

CA State Sheriff's Association
CA Police Chief's Association
CA Peace Officers Association
CA Correctional Peace Officers Assoc
CA State Police Association
CA Coalition of Law Enforcement Agencies
CA Council of Police & Sheriffs
Fresno Police Officers Association
Sacramento County Probation Association
Crime Control Foundation of America
National Rifle Association
California Grocers Association
California Food Processors Association
California Farm Bureau Federation
Western Growers Association
California Ag Producers
California Cattlemen's Association
CA Grape & Tree Fruit League
Ag Council of California
Almond Hullers & Processors Assoc
California Citrus Mutual
California Fertilizer Association
California Assoc of Winegrape Growers
California Grain and Feed Association
California Poultry Industry Federation
Lincoln Club of San Diego
California College Republicans
California Congress of Republicans
California Republican Assembly
California Republican League
California Young Republicans

**partial list


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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998