Job Description

* Term of Office: 6 years
* One of two U.S. Senators who represent California's interests
in the Senate in Washington, D.C.
* Proposes and votes on new national laws.
* As a U.S. Senator, votes on confirming federal judges and U.S.
Supreme Court Justices.
* SALARY - $133,600

1994 Candidates

Mike Huffington - Republican
Dianne Feinstein - Democrat
Barbara Blong - Green
Richard Boddie - Libertarian
Linh Dao - American Independent

Review/Analysis by the California Journal

Feinstein vs. Huffington: Wealth battles wealth in the race for U.S. Senate

Past and present officeholders

Office Holder Party Affiliation Years in Office
Dianne Feinstein Democrat 1992 - Present
Barbara Boxer Democrat 1992 - Present
John Seymour Republican 1991 - 1992
Pete Wilson Republican 1983 - 1990
Alan Cranston Democrat 1969 - 1992
S.I. Hayakawa Republican 1977 - 1982


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© California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998