Daniel Moses for Lt. Governor
"My potential contribution to the next state administration is not dependent
on whether the Governor and Lt. Governor are from the same party. I believe
the practice of politics in California would benefit immeasurably from a new
voice in Sacramento, speaking from a Green perspective and challenging the
cherished assumption that unfettered industrial growth and technological
development will solve our social and economic problems."
Daniel Moses
10 Key Values of the Green Party of California
1. Ecological Wisdom
2. Grassroots Democracy
3. Social Justice
4. Nonviolence
5. Decentralization
6. Community-based Economics
7. Feminism
8. Respect for Diversity
9. Personal and Global Responsibility
10. Sustainable Future Focus
California Needs a Green Lt. Governor
A Green Lt. Governor would bring a new approach to these major
responsibilities of the job:
___Chairing the Economic Development Commission___
Increase emphasis on community-based economics (keeping money circulating
within communities), including start-up help for nonprofit
community-development corporations, encouraging profit-sharing or
employee-owned businesses and cooperatives, protecting credit unions, and
promoting farmersU markets; support organic agriculture; establish policies
that would help to bring about the decentralization of ownership and control,
thereby increasing the resilience of California's economy.
___Serving on the State Lands Commission___
Shift toward preserving Recosystem integrity of our public lands; protect
entire California coast from further gas and oil drilling (while pushing
renewable sources of energy and greater energy-efficiency); stop the
appointment of developers to the California Coastal Commission.
___Serving on U.C. Board of Regents and C.S.U. Board of Trustees___
Stop student fee hikes; trim administrative budget fat; democratize selection
of regents; encourage curriculum changes to include ecoliteracy, critical
thinking skills, respect for diversity, and nonviolence.
The Green Party of California qualified for the ballot in 1992 and is now
running candidates for three statewide offices. The Green Party candidate
for Lt. Governor is Daniel Moses, a book editor, social-change activist, and
grandfather. He believes that only truthfulness, love, and nonviolence can
bring about a better California. If you would like to see the Green political
perspective brought to bear on the office of Lt. Governor, don't throw away
your vote on yet another Republican or Democrat. Send a message to
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© California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998