For Immediate Release
Contact: Greg Hayes
September 30, 1994
*Art Torres vows to continue fight for senior insurance protection*
SACRAMENTO -- Governor Pete Wilson today vetoed legislation sponsored by the nation's largest seniors organization, the American
Association of Retired Persons(AARP). The bill SB 1778, authored by Senator Art Torres (D-Los Angeles), would have created an Office of
Public Advisor to investigate complaints against insurance companies, agents or brokers and ensure full and adequate participation by the
public in insurance rate increase requests.
"Seniors should not be exploited by shameless bad actors in the insurance industry because they have no one to turn to for advice," said Torres. "This bill ensured that government would be open to them and other consumers, and that they would receive fair treatment from insurance companies."
Mr. Winston Smith, Chairman of the AARP Legislative Committee, voiced the AARP's disappointment with the Governors action. "Our
members are obviously disappointed by Governor Wilson's actions. He apparently fails to understand how important insurance is to seniors.
We will continue to work with Senator Torres to stop insurance companies from bilking seniors and other consumers."
"Once again Governor Wilson has put the interest of insurance companies ahead of consumers. By vetoing SB 1178 he has chosen insurance companies over senior citizens and the AARP," said Torres.
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