For Immediate Release
Contact: Greg Butler
September 21, 1994
(916) 449-2955
Chuck Quackenbush, Republican nominee for Insurance Commissioner, announced his endorsements from crime groups today--calling the Assemblyman "the only consistent crime fighter in the race."
This week, Quackenbush, co-author of the 3-strikes and you're out bill, received the endorsement of Crime Victims United, an organization formed in 1990 to support candidates who champion the rights of victims in sentencing and court proceedings.
"Chuck Quackenbush has been a consistent fighter for the rights of victims and their families--long before crime was the hot political issue," said Harriet Solarno, Chairperson of Crime Victims United. "His work to punish juvenile murders as adults, co-authorship of `3-strikes and You're Out' and authorship of legislation helping victims' families stay in the courtroom were deciding factors in our endorsement."
The Crime Victims United endorsement follows the endorsement earlier this month from the Peace Officers Research Association, representing 38,000 police officers in California.
"Chuck Quackenbush has a proven track record of keeping our streets and schools safe. He's led the fight to punish juvenile murders as adults, authored legislation to increase prison time for violent criminals, and has been a consistent supporter of the death penalty," commented PORAC President Skip Murphy. "He's voted to put more police officers on our streets and in our neighborhoods and worked to protect our families and police officers. Chuck Quackenbush is the only consistent crime fighter in this race--the 38,000 members of PORAC enthusiastically support his candidacy."
"Chuck Quackenbush has shown real concern for the safety of our kids in school," added Margret Ensley, founder of Mothers Against Violence in Schools. "Chuck's work has focused attention on the threats our children face everyday in the one place they shouldn't have to worry."
Quackenbush noted that the groups' endorsements are "further examples of how Art Torres' flawed 20 year voting record places him at odds with most Californians."
"For 20 years, Art Torres has tried to protect the criminals," said Quackenbush. "His recent 'conversion' for political purposes isn't going to fool the voters of California."
* News from the Quackenbush for Insurance Commissioner Campaign
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