JULY 25, 1994


NEWPORT BEACH -- Exposing Kathleen Brown as an imposter trying to masquerade as a tough law-and-order candidate, a bi-partisan group of more than 30 district attorneys from across California today announced their support for Governor Pete Wilson's re-election bid.

"As district attorneys we're fighting to protect Californians from dangerous criminals. It's been Pete Wilson who has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with us in every fight," Riverside District Attorney
Grover Trask said. "We've had the chance to see first-hand the kind of dedication and hard work he puts into making our streets safer by giving us the tools we need to be more effective."

The endorsements were announced at a news conference here following the Governor's remarks to the California District Attorneys Association.

"Pete Wilson is a welcome friend and a willing ally in the battle against crime and injustice," Trask added. "We've watched him enforce the death penalty, fight to expand death penalty crimes to include drive-by killers and murdering car-jackers. He's appointed tough law-and-order judges, put more cops on the street and tougher penalties on the books."

"I'm proud to stand before you today and -- with my fellow district attorneys -- pledge our full support for California's number one crime fighter -- Governor Pete Wilson," said Santa Cruz District Attorney Art Danner.

Danner, a Democrat, noted that for more than 25 years, Pete Wilson has fought to make California safer. "In 1982, Pete Wilson served as the Southern California chairman for the passage of Proposition 8, the Victims Bill of Rights. In 1990, he fought for the passage of Proposition 115, which led to sweeping reforms in California's judicial process." he said.

"There's a big difference between talking tough on crime and actually doing what it takes to fight crime day after day, year after year. Pete Wilson makes the difference," added Fresno County District Attorney Ed Hunt.

"We're also here today because as law enforcement professionals we could no longer keep silent as Kathleen Brown continues to manipulate the issue of crime for her own political gain. Her outrageous attempts to mislead Californians and manipulate their fear of crime have demonstrated that she doesn't understand the criminal justice system, law enforcement or what it takes to make California's streets safe," added Kern County District Attorney Ed Jagels.

Jagels called Kathleen Brown's blatant misrepresentation of the circumstances surrounding the release of serial rapist Melvin Carter and the state's parole policy "recklessly irresponsible."

"If she was governor, she'd be dangerous," said Hunt said, adding that he and his colleagues are most troubled by Kathleen Brown's philosophical opposition to the death penalty and how that philosophy would affect the kind of judges she would appoint. In addition, they raised concern over Brown's strong support from the California Trial lawyers as well as her reluctance to embrace "One Strike" legislation to put away for life dangerous sexual predators.

The district attorneys cited several important aspects of Governor Wilson's crime-fighting record, including:

Governor Wilson worked with district attorneys, sheriffs, police chiefs and victims rights groups for the passage of Proposition 172 -- to make sure that law enforcement personnel have the resources necessary to do their job.

As mayor, Pete Wilson increased the size of the police department by 320 percent. He authored an amendment to the city's charter that gave police protection first call on city resources and led to San Diego being named the safest city in California and the third safest in America.

In the U.S. Senate, Pete Wilson wrote the law that allows capital punishment for the murder of a law enforcement officer working on a drug-related case and recommended tough judges for appointment to the federal bench. Judges who applied the law as written and who had concern
for the rights of victims as well as those of the accused.

"Pete Wilson believes that every Californian has a fundamental right not to become a crime victim. . .and not to live in fear. These are the words of a fighter, not a liberal politician with no record on crime," .

Governor Wilson has also received the endorsement of the California Police Chiefs Association, the Los Angeles Police Chiefs Association, the Los Angeles Probation Officers Union and the Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs.


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