Gloria La Riva for Governor

As the Peace and Freedom Candidate for Governor, the three main
focuses of my campaign will be to oppose the racist attacks on
immigrants; to propose a massive jobs program and increased social
spending as an alternative to anti-crime hysteria and new prisons; and to
give strong support for Single Payer Healthcare. Popularizing the
struggle for socialism will be a constant theme in my candidacy.

Both Democrats and Republicans compete to push the most racist
measures to attack immigrants. I believe it is essential for all working
people to support full rights for undocumented and immigrant workers, and
I will urge unity among all workers. As long as some of our sisters and
brothers are more exploited by agribusiness and other corporations, as
long as their basic rights are denied, then the ability of all workers to
fight anti-worker policies is greatly diminished. As a Chicana whose
mother emigrated from Mexico, I strongly stand for the rights of immigrants.

My campaign will propose positive alternatives to anti-crime
hysteria being promoted by Democrats and Republicans. In the last twelve
years, the California prison populastion has mushroomed from 26,000 to
118,000 inmates. If those billions spent on prisons had instead been
spent on jobs, education, housing and rehabilitation we could have
improved the lives of millions of people. In addition to the demands of
taxing the corporations and wealthy individuals instead of workers, and
other reforms, it is essential to expose the bankruptcy of capitalism.

It is a tremendous opportunity for Peace and Freedom Party to run
a gubernatorial campaign year which will clearly oppose the
pro-capitalist policies of Wilson, Unz, Garamendi, Brown and Hayden. It
will take a struggle for PFP to gain equal time on the media, and to gain
access to public forums and candidate debates. As a mayoral candidate in
1983 and 1991, I participated in dozens of candidate forums only because
our campaign demanded and won equal time, always with the support of the

It is so vital for Californiaps working class to have a true
alternative in the elections, with PFPps socialist campaign in the
gubernatorial race, a campaign which clearly points out the cause of U.S.
militarism and war, rampant unemployment, racism, sexism and
discrimination against lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. As a long-time
socialist and member of Workers World Party, I have had much experience
in virtually every struggle in the progressive movement.

I have been in the progressive and socialist movement for over 21
years since my years as a university student. I was principal coordinator
of the Emergency Committee to Stop U.S. War in the Middle East which
organized over 200,000 people to march in San Francisco on Jan. 19, 1991.
As a result of that anti-war effort, I was one of SF Weekly's "10 Who
Mattered" in their 1991 year-end issue honoring prominent San
Franciscans. In the winter of 1991, I was one of the founders of the
Farmworkers Emergency Relief Committee, which organized caravans of
support to hundreds of farmworker families who had lost their jobs from
the citrus freeze, and helped launch a lawsuit against FEMA's
anti-farmworker attitude during that crisis.

I traveled to Los Angeles to help organize support for the
African-American and Latino communities which were under attack by the
police after the 1992 rebellion. Ipm West Coast Coordinator of the
International Peace for Cuba Appeal, and have been an organizer on the
last three U.S.-Cuba Friendshipment Caravans. I am a 15-year member of
the Bay Area Typographical Union #21 in San Francisco, and I am active in
the struggle at my workplace, against the union-busting attempts of the
San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner. I ask for your full support.

To run a successful campaign, Ipm going to need the help of all
you Peace and Freedom members and friends. Please volunteer and send
donations to La Riva for Governor, 3181 Mission St., #29, San Francisco,
CA 94110. For more information, please call (415) 826-4828.


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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998