Job Description
ð Term of Office: 4 years
ð As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
ð Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
ð Prepares and submits annual state budget.
ð Responsible for mobilizing and directing state resources during emergencies.
ð Salary - $120,000
1994 Candidates
Pete Wilson - Republican
Kathleen Brown - Democrat
Jerome 'Jerry' McCready - American Independent (No Material Provided)
Richard Rider - Libertarian
Gloria Estela La Riva - Peace and Freedom
Review/Analysis by the California Journal
The Race for Governor: Can Pete Wilson be California's "Comeback Kid"?
Past and present officeholders
Office Holder Party Affiliation Years in Office Pete Wilson Republican 1991 - Present George Deukmejian Republican 1983 - 1990 Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown Democrat 1975 - 1982 Ronald Reagan Republican 1967 - 1974 Edmund G. "Pat" Brown Democrat 1959 - 1966 Goodwin J. Knight Republican 1953 - 1958
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© California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998