Contact: John Whitehurst
Julie Buckner
(310) 207-7600
William L. Rukeyser
(9l6) 446-0232
September 3, 1994

Sacramento -- Racing down the American River on a raft with friends and family, State Treasurer and Democratic gubernatorial nominee Kathleen Brown today kicked off the Labor Day weekend with a pledge to invest in one of California's leading industries -- tourism --by investing in a safe and clean environment.

"There's no better time than on this Labor Day weekend to remind ourselves of the importance of tourism to a strong California economy and good jobs," said Brown. "One way we can bring California back economically is by electing a governor who will promote and invest in one of our top industries: tourism.

"We must protect our precious natural resources for Californians, as well as for tourists who have always come here to visit our oceans, rivers and mountains."

Travelling down the American River as the first in a series of Labor Day weekend events, Brown pledged to expand environmental technology and industry through new partnerships with business as part of her economic growth strategy.

"I believe we can help rejuvenate our economy and at the same time maintain a clean environment by nurturing new industries that produce goods and services that reduce or eliminate environmental pollution," said Brown, who as Treasurer created the highly successful "CLEAN" loan program to help small business acquire low-cost loans to meet environmental regulations. "It's about leadership and new and innovative partnerships with business -- and it's something that's been missing for the last four years."

Brown pointed out that Wilson "has broken his 1990 campaign promise to protect the environment -- part of a long trail of broken pledges to voters."

"Pete Wilson has not only ducked his pledge to protect the environment, he has set California back," said Brown. "Pete Wilson uses the recession as an excuse for his failed leadership on the environment at the expense of middle-class families."


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California Voter Foundation 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998